Blog Archive

Thursday, 28 May 2009

I am up, can't sleep and it's just after 3 am in London. I need to sort out my sleeping patterns before next week approaches!! :) Anyway seeing I'm up so late, I though to myself... what is it that I can do .... And oh yes I thought UPDATE MY BLOG!!

So here it is ...

I like to do funny thinks like record myself shopping ... not just any shopping, but guitar shopping!  Just something that helps push my creativity a little further every now and then, you know a different force of energy ;) lol

One day, sometime in March, I felt the need to buy a new guitar .. a Dan Electro to be exact! The secret is that I had already seen this particular one 3 months before, but did not have enough money to buy it. Months past, but yet this Creamy & Green Vintage guitar was continuously playing on my mind!

From this, I just had to go back to the shop and see if it was still available ....

And guess what??? Yes .. There was ONE LEFT .. Hanging alone around a range of other multicolored guitars. I though to myself.. "This has to be a sign" so instantly decided to speak to a member of staff!

Knowing that I would have money coming through in the next day or 2, I kindly asked the shop keeper if it could be reserved. Before I knew it ... I had paid my deposit and was anxiously counted down the days till my new toy and I would be reunited!!

No I AM NOT CRAZY ... as I'm sure you've all seen that once thing you've longed to buy ... and acted like a crazy, craven individual!!! Have you????

Ummmm, anyway I must confess that I had 2 sleepless nights leading up to this event!! No Lie :0)

So excited about it, I decided to record the event with the help from few friends :0) I have had this video sitting, untouched for ages, so thought it's about that time I showed it to you special people!!! (Cheers ... Clap hands :0))

Here it is ...

You will be happy to know that I wrote 2 new songs within the space of a week of having this guitar 
"Talking To Myself" and "Do A Run, Run" (Watch that space)

Until the next blog adventure,

Peace n Luv


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